The AuthorHi! I'm Evvie "Evvin" Marin (they/them). I’m a multimedia artist from Massachusetts, exploring themes of folklore, animism, and subconscious fantasy through tunes, words, stains, and cards. I'm a nonbinary queer spoonie. Twelfth House Cancer Sun and Moon, Leo rising.
Nutshell Philosophy
Major Arcana: Culture absorbs the whispers from its fringes. Give it the whispers it needs to unfuck itself. Make it more beautiful. Make it less cruel. Everything needs to change. Everything will.
Matchsticks: Art never does one thing alone. All expression is collaboration. Express the truth with beauty and clarity. Only spin beauty when useful and true. Drops: What starts as a trickle ends in a river. What starts as a river ends in a riptide. Seek what’s old as dirt & new as now. Arrows: Art is language, and embroidery connective tissue. Language is arrows; it points in directions. Language is arrows; it pokes things full of holes. Gems: Find comfort and consolation in the tangled things. So long as still waking, art the art. Make the art be glorious. This Fool's Journey
I fell down the tarot rabbit hole over twenty years ago, circa middle school. My interest in tarot is inseparable from my love of illustration, folklore, craft, and symbolism. I started learning tarot around the same time that I began seriously studying art, so the two practices grew up together.
In 2014, a health crisis radically changed my abilities. I started blogging and designing decks here in 2015, for something to do during the long convalescence. Ten years later, we've got two beautiful decks and a full length book to show for it, coming to Kickstarter soon. Most of the content here on the public blog is geared for those at a beginner to intermediate level. We get more advanced on Patreon and in the Fortune's Inkwell guidebook. Each time I pick up a card, do a reading, or crack open a tarot book, I learn something new. As it should be. I'm an irreligious animist with an agnostic streak. Many things are possible; not all claims are true. I value developing both intuition and reason. In tarot, I draw on a combination of intuition, what I see in the cards’ traditional symbolism and archetypes, and what I know from life experience. Inclusion & Non-DiscriminationThis is an inclusive site. It’s a queer/LGBTQ-friendly site. It’s an interfaith site. I do not discriminate based on race, social status, income, gender, sexual orientation, age, size, disability, nationality, marital status, religion, lack of religion, how many kids you do or don’t have, or education level. I do not tolerate hateful speech or political stances based in dehumanizing, marginalizing, and stripping rights from large groups of people. Any hateful speech in comments, questions, or emails will be immediately deleted and ignored. |
Interrobang?!The interrobang is technically a non-standard punctuation mark that combines a question mark and an exclamation point into one funny looking glyph.
They never really caught on with the type-setting crowd. Folks also throw the word interrobang around whenever there’s a question mark next to an exclamation point. ?! Is my favorite punctuation mark. With a question mark for exploration, and an exclamation point for passion and expression, it’s a great symbol for the processes of art, philosophy, and life. Of course, tarot encompasses each. Before every ?! lies an implied WTF. Tarot exists to help us navigate and reconcile the WTFs of life. Copyright & Use
© Evvie Marin 2024. All rights reserved. Unless otherwise credited, all work on this site is original and protected by copyright.
I occasionally use public domain vintage images in blog posts and spreads, but the vast majority of images on this site, photography and illustration, are my own. Artwork and bio photos in interview posts are shared with the artists' and authors' permission. These are also protected by copyright. If you're interested in using one of my images or commissioning illustration work, please contact me. Commercial Use of Tarot Spreads I aim to support creative misfits and help people learn tarot for themselves. Everything I post on this site is free to use at home or share with friends for personal, educational, non-commercial ends. If you use my original spreads for paid client work, please tip the blog, or join the patreon club at any pledge level, to help keep the free resources on this site online for all. If you share my work on your website, blog, or social media pages, link back or tag @interrobangtarot on Instagram. My work is not for re-sale or promotional give-away. Do not use my spread diagrams or illustrations as promotional materials in your own business or website. I'm usually quite happy to support study groups and academic projects. If you have any questions about use or licensing, drop me a line. I do not take any responsibility for the quality or content of others' readings. While I do recommend authors and educators in the links and bibliographies throughout my writings, I cannot speak to the quality of others' readings. Some folks use my spreads in paid client work, and that's fine, but they're not affiliated with or endorsed by me. ElsewherePortfolio
Patreon PRESS & PUBLICATIONS: New World Witchery podcast interview Eighth House Healers podcast interview DM Talks with Seerah podcast interview TAROT, Taschen's Library of Esoterica (includes illustrations from the Black Ink Tarot and Spirit Vertigo Tarot process art). |