My loves! It's been a long time, and I'm so pleased to say that I'm back. A big thanks to everyone who is still reading and following the blog! Interrobang Tarot has been on hiatus for the better part of the year, while I plugged away at behind-the-scenes work. It's finally time to share some of that work with you. I basically took all my blogging time for the year to date and funneled it into one long project: an eBook called Eight Useful Tarot Spreads for Times of Resistance and Change. That eBook is up now, for free, on this website. Just follow that link, or click on the cover image above.
This project is a collection of tarot spreads designed to help with self-care, introspection, and planning under the stressful climate of our times. Most of us are having a rough year, and it's been a particularly triggering week. These tarot spreads are exercises I've been using to help stay on track through it all, and I'm sharing them in the hopes that others might get something useful out of them as well. You might already recognize a couple of the spreads in here if you've been following the blog for a while. The WTF tarot spread and Self Love tarot spread are two of my most popular spreads, and they meshed so well with the others in this collection, I had to include them. I'm not one for re-packaging work I've already published, unless I can significantly improve on it, so I've added lengthy descriptions, notes, and practical tips for each of the spreads in this book. The other six spreads have never been published before. Each spread includes a hand illustrated and lettered diagram that you can print out for your tarot journal.
This project is a collection of tarot spreads designed to help with self-care, introspection, and planning under the stressful climate of our times. Most of us are having a rough year, and it's been a particularly triggering week. These tarot spreads are exercises I've been using to help stay on track through it all, and I'm sharing them in the hopes that others might get something useful out of them as well. You might already recognize a couple of the spreads in here if you've been following the blog for a while. The WTF tarot spread and Self Love tarot spread are two of my most popular spreads, and they meshed so well with the others in this collection, I had to include them. I'm not one for re-packaging work I've already published, unless I can significantly improve on it, so I've added lengthy descriptions, notes, and practical tips for each of the spreads in this book. The other six spreads have never been published before. Each spread includes a hand illustrated and lettered diagram that you can print out for your tarot journal.
The spread descriptions include elemental correspondences for those who wish to draw cards in conjunction with other occult work like astrology, visualization, or spell craft. I've also listed tips for directing each spread to other areas of life outside resistance work, like creativity, career, and relationships, so each spread becomes several in one.
I hope you enjoy this collection, and that these spreads prompt some good ideas and bring you comfort in these trying times! Let me know what you think in the comments below.
I hope you enjoy this collection, and that these spreads prompt some good ideas and bring you comfort in these trying times! Let me know what you think in the comments below.