The Equinoxes are astronomical events, marking the times of year when the sun crosses the Earth’s equator, and day and night are roughly equal in length. In occultsville, we see this as a metaphor for moments of balance, not only between day and night, but also between light and dark, life and death, and the upper-world and under-world. These themes color the first several weeks of spring and autumn, and in parts of the world, we can see them in reflected in weather patterns and natural growth cycles.

It’s that imagery that inspired my latest Spring Equinox tarot spread. We could also call it The Gardener’s Spread. I’m posting this a bit late, I know, but the themes here should keep relevant through the next several weeks.
1. Death/Passage: What died for me in the past season?
2. Decay/Fertilizer: How does that passage fertilize what comes next?
Next, we consider the perennial, and turn our attention to any old growth due to renew.
3. The Perennial (Rebirth): What renews or rekindles for me now?
4. Tending & Cultivation: How can I best greet and tend to it?
Finally, we look above ground to consider the annuals, the unplanted seeds, and our garden plans.
5. The Annual (New Life/Seed): What do I plant next or start afresh?
6. Planning & Plotting: How can I best prepare to make sure that it thrives?
You can use this as a general spread, or direct it towards one area of your life. It should work particularly well focussed on your social life, work, or creative projects.
I aim first and foremost to helping people learn and use tarot for themselves. Everything I post is free to use at home or share with friends for personal, educational, non-commercial ends. That said, I recognize that some people will use my tarot spreads with paying clients, and I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to.
If you use my original spreads for paid client work, please make a donation--whatever is fair and proportionate to your use--to support the site and help me keep releasing free tarot spreads for all my readers. If you share my work on your website, blog, or social media pages, give credit and link back (or tag @evviemarin on Instagram) so others can find these resources.
My work is not for re-sale or promotional give-away. Do not use my spread diagrams or illustrations as promotional materials in your own business or website. If you have any questions about use drop me a line.
I do not take any responsibility for the quality or content of others' readings. I do not endorse or recommend tarot readers or psychics. Some folks use my spreads in paid client work. None of them are affiliated with me, or recommended or endorsed by me.