For a Happy Halloween.
1. A Trick: Where to shake myself up.
2. A Treat: Where to treat myself.
3. Something Precious: Something sweet and wonderful to be present for.
4. Something Powerful: A source of strength and ability to tap into.
5. Something Funny: Where to lighten up.
6. Something Unsettling: Where to stretch out of my comfort zone.
7. A Remembrance: Something from the past to honor or reflect upon.
8. A Thrill: Something scary but rewarding to try.
Wishing you all the most wonderful and spoopy day! Have fun!
The Skull & Bones Tarot Spread
The Haunted Tarot Spread
October Forever Tarot Spread
The Unabashed Pumpkin Trash Tarot Spread
Of Tricks And Tales
Divining by Apple Spice Cake & Halloween Cupcake Charms
Historical Halloween Divination Games and Spells
Samhain Tarot Spread
I aim first and foremost to helping people learn and use tarot for themselves. Everything I post is free to use at home or share with friends for personal, educational, non-commercial ends. That said, I recognize that some people will use my tarot spreads with paying clients, and I couldn't stop them even if I wanted to. (It's NBD though.)
If you use my original spreads for paid client work, please make a donation--whatever is fair and proportionate to your use--to support the site and help me keep releasing free tarot spreads for all my readers. If you share my work on your website, blog, or social media pages, give credit and link back (or tag @interrobangtarot on Instagram) so others can find these resources. Thanks so much! Sharing is wonderful, and I do appreciate your support!
My work is not for re-sale or promotional give-away. Do not use my spread diagrams or illustrations as promotional materials in your own business or website. If you have any questions about use drop me a line.
I do not take any responsibility for the quality or content of others' readings. I do not endorse or recommend tarot readers or psychics. Some folks use my spreads in paid client work. None of them are affiliated with me, or recommended or endorsed by me.